terça-feira, 29 de setembro de 2009

FZ 1973-06-21 Brisbane, Australia

1. Tune Up & Intros
2. Dog Meat
3. Fifty-Fifty
4. Montana
5. Dupree's Paradise
6. Cosmic Debris
7. Yellow Snow Suite
8. Farther Oblivion
9. Inca Roads
10. Rdnzl
11. Son Of Mr. Green Genes
King Kong / Chunga's Revenge

Tirando da lata...

Agradecemos ao ótimo The Clock That Went Backwards Again.

4 comentários:

carlinhosdeipanema disse...


carlinhosdeipanema disse...

I'm flattered! Tks a lot for the opportunity to help with this small contribution to yr fantastic blog.
Pls feel welcome to use anything u want, if u need something else, pls let me know, it's an honor to take part in yr crusade.
Freedom is the best!

carlinhosdeipanema disse...

I tried posting full front & back here but when compared with original it's not the same quality. I'll place them in a link and pass it over to you soonest.

carlinhosdeipanema disse...

Here 'tis:
Sorry I could not get a better resolution.