quarta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2012
FZ 1988-03-11 Rochester
Os integrantes virtuosos da banda do Mestre Z encantaram a platéia com sua demostração de prática instrumental ao vivo.
1. Tuning - 1:03
2. Chunga's Revenge - 6:56
3. Packard Goose Medley - 7:20
4. Andy - 5:28
5. Inca Roads - 9:05
6. Lucille Has Messed My Mind Up - 2:56
7. Big Swifty - 8:23
8. Penguin In Bondage - 5:12
9. Hot Plate Heaven At The Green Hotel - 6:14
10. When The Lie's So Big - 3:36
11. Jesus Thinks You're A Jerk - 7:28
12. One Man, One Vote - 0:18
13. Intro to 2nd set - 2:00
14. Heavy Duty Judy - 5:02
15. Find Her Finer - 2:43
16. The Orange County Lumber Truck Medley - 10:47
17. Texas Motel Medley - 9:27
18. Sofa - 3:19
19. Encore Break - 0:22
20. Whipping Post - 6:15
21. I Am The Walrus - 4:29
22. Encore Break #2 - 0:39
23. Peaches En Regalia - 2:56
24. Stairway To Heaven - 10:22
25. America The Beautiful - 3:44
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FZ 1988-03-12 Burlington
Mestre Z encheu o saco de ficar mansinho e soltou as feras musicais de sua banda sobre a platéia estarrecida.
1. Black Page
2. Introductions
3. Dickie's Such An Asshole
4. Any Kind Of Pain
5. We Are Turning Again
6. Alien Orifice
7. Advance Romance
8. Bobby Brown
9. Stolen Moments
10. When The Lies So Big
11. Jesus Thinks Youre A Jerk
12. Preamble To 2nd Set
13. Zoot Allures
14. I Ain't Got No Heart
15. Love Of My Life
16. Texas Motel medley
17. City Of Tiny Lights
18. A Pound For A Brown
19. Stairway To Heaven
20. The Closer You Are
21. Johnny Darling
22. No No Cherry
23. The Man From Utopia Meets Mary Lou
24. Preamble To 2nd Encore
25. Theme From The Untouchables
26. America The Beautiful
01. Chana In De Bushwop
02. FZ Reglage
03. Nig Biz
04. FZ Reglage
05. Bolero 1 / Nig Biz Routine
06. FZ Reglage
07. Bolero 2
08. Bolero 3
09. FZ Reglage
10. Bolero 4
11. FZ Reglage
12. The Untouchables 1
13. FZ Reglage
14. The Untouchables 2
15. FZ Reglage
16. The Untouchables 3
17. FZ Reglage
18. The Untouchables 4
19. FZ Reglage
20. The Untouchables 5
21. FZ Reglage
22. The Untouchables 6
23. FZ Reglage
24. Cosmik Debris
25. FZ Reglage
26. Why Don't You Like Me / Billie Jean
27. FZ Reglage
28. Billie Jean
29. FZ Reglage
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terça-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2012
FZ 1988-03-15 Portland
A primeira e única apresentação do hino Stainless The Maiden foi o grande momento deste show da banda do Mestre Z.
1. The Black Page
2. Band Introductions & Banter
3. Stainless The Maiden
4. Dickie's Such An Asshole
5. When The Lie's So Big
6. Planet Of The Baritone Women
7. Any Kind Of Pain
8. Penguin In Bondage
9. Hot Plate Heaven At The Green Hotel
10. What's New In Baltimore?
11. Jesus Thinks You're A Jerk
12. Sofa
13. Intermission
14. Panty Rap
15. The Orange County Lumber Truck Medley
16. Packard Goose Medley
17. Sharleena
18. Texas Motel Medley
19. Inca Roads
20. Encore Break
21. Montana
22. City Of Tiny Lights
23. Peaches En Regalia
24. Stairway To Heaven
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1. FZ Guitar Workout / Broken Hearts Are For Assholes Riff / Zoot Allures
2. FZ Tries Out Tonight's Loops / Mystery Song #4
3. More FZ Guitar Workout
4. One Man, One Vote
5. Bob Rice
6. Sofa
7. Bolero
8. Filthy Habits
9. King Kong
10. Sinister Footwear
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Agradecemos ao Jotavich pelas postagens sensacionais.
FZ 1988-03-16 Providence
Quem manda bem neste show é o fantástico tamboreiro Chad Wackerman, que enche de energia rítmica os espaços deixados pelos outros integrantes da banda do Mestre Z.
1. Stinkfoot - 8:56
2. I Ain't Got No Heart - 2:13
3. Love Of My Life - 2:16
4. Eat That Question - 1:42
5. Black Napkins - 9:20
6. The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing - 3:16
7. Disco Boy - 3:07
8. Teenage Wind - 2:36
9. Truck Driver Divorce - 7:07
10. Packard Goose Medley - 7:25
11. Put A Motor In Yourself - 0:33
12. Intro To 2nd Set - 0:50
13. The Torture Never Stops Medley - 18:17
14. Big Swifty - 10:21
15. The Untouchables - 2:30
16. Big Swifty (Reprise) - 1:38
17. Who Needs The Peace Corps? - 4:22
18. Filthy Habits - 3:27
19. Any Kind Of Pain - 5:51
20. Jesus Thinks You're A Jerk - 7:22
21. Sofa - 3:17
22. Encore Break - 0:44
23. Texas Motel Medley - 9:15
24. Sharleena - 6:11
25. Encore Break #2 - 0:18
26. Whipping Post - 5:50
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Agradecemos ao Zen Archer pelas magníficas postagens.
FZ 1988-03-20 Hackensack
Mais uma vez os garotos da banda do Mestre Z dão shows particulares de técnica musical, enquanto ele engata nos longos solos que são sua marca registrada.
The Show:
1. Band Installation
2. Intro Stinkfoot
3. Stinkfoot
4. Band Introduction / Preamble
5. The Untouchables
6. Stick Together
7. My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Mama
8. Willie The Pimp
9. Montana
10. City Of Tiny Lights
11. A Pound For A Brown
12. Marqueson's Chicken
13. When The Lie's So Big
14. Jesus Thinks You're A Jerk
15. Intermission
16. Zoot Allures
17. I Ain't Got No Heart
18. Love Of My Life
19. Big Swifty
20. The Torture Never Stops Medley
21. Peaches En Regalia
22. Stairway To Heaven
23. Crowd Noise
24. Texas Motel Medley
25. Whipping Post
26. Crowd Noise
27. Watermelon In Easter Hay
Tirando da lata...
The Soundcheck:
1. FZ Guitar Workout
2. FZ Tries Out Tonight's Loops
3. Band, Please
4. Sofa
5. Marqueson Banter
6. A Pound For A Brown
7. Crew Slut
8. Certificate Of Marriage / Mendelssohn's Wedding March
9. The Black Page
10. Marqueson's Chicken
11. Green Genes Twiddling
12. Mr.Green Genes / Florentine Pogen Start
13. Watermelon In Easter Hay
14. Zoot Allures
15. My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Mama
16. Willie The Pimp / Montana Start
17. Filthy Habits
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Agradecemos ao Liborio Friki pelas postagens maravilhosas.
FZ 1988-03-21 Syracuse
Mesmo sendo um show bem humorado do Mestre Z, não há os esperados longos solos. Primeira apresentação do Bolero de Ravel.
1. The Black Page - 10:33
2. Find Her Finer - 2:47
3. Who Needs The Peace Corps? - 3:51
4. Zoot Allures - 7:40
5. Mr Green Genes - 4:16
6. Any Kind Of Pain - 7:11
7. Stick Together - 1:58
8. My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Mama - 3:32
9. Willie The Pimp - 2:20
10. Montana - 4:01
11. City Of Tiny Lights - 11:05
12. Put A Motor In Yourself - 6:27
13. Intro To 2nd Set - 1:55
14. Eric Dolphy Memorial Barbecue - 9:49
15. The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing - 3:06
16. Sharleena - 8:04
17. Texas Motel Medley - 9:28
18. Sofa - 3:36
19. Encore Break - 0:40
20. Peaches En Regalia - 2:51
21. Stairway To Heaven - 10:43
22. Encore Break #2 - 0:38
23. The Illinois Enema Bandit - 10:54
24. Encore Break #3 - 0:49
25. Bolero - 5:24
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FZ 1988-03-25 Uniondale
1. Black Page #2
2. Ain't Got No Heart
3. Love Of My Life
4. Inca Roads
5. Sharleena
6. Who Needs The Peace Corps?
7. Dickie's Such An Asshole
8. When The Lie's So Big
9. Jesus Thinks You're A Jerk
10. Sofa
11. Packard Goose Medley
12. The Torture Never Stops Medley I
13. Theme From Bonanza / Lonesome Cowboy Burt
14. The Torture Never Stops Medley II
15. City Of Tiny Lights
16. A Pound For A Brown
17. Brother A. West
18. Texas Motel Medley
19. Peaches En Regalia
20. Stairway To Heaven
21. I Am The Walrus
22. Whipping Post
23. Bolero
24. America The Beautiful
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Agradecemos ao Liborio, congratulações pelo triunfal retorno.
segunda-feira, 19 de novembro de 2012
DeWolff IV 2012
O ultra moderno trio holandês que viaja no tempo até a década de 70 desta vez barbarizou tanto que o disco não sai da vitrola.
1. Voodoo Mademoiselle
2. Six Holes And A Ghost3. Devil’s Due
4. Crumbling Heart
5. The Only Thornless Rose
6. Northbound
7. Devil On A WireThe Telephone
8. Black Hole Raga
9. Sixth Dimension BluesThe Telephone Pt. II
10. Astral Awareness
11. Vicious Times
Robin Piso - Organ & Vocals
Luka van de Poel - DrumsPablo van de Poel - Guitar & Vocals
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Agradecemos ao Pillars of Progressive pela postagem original.
quarta-feira, 9 de maio de 2012
NORAH JONES 2012 ...Little Broken Hearts
A danadinha sentava numa poltrona embaixo do poster de Mudhoney do Russ Meyer e vampou pra capa do disco novo.
1. Good Morning
2. Say Goodbye
3. Little Broken Hearts
4. She’s 22
5. Take It Back
6. After The Fall
7. 4 Broken Hearts
8. Travelin’ On
9. Out On The Road
10. Happy Pills
11. Miriam
12. All A Dream
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Agradecemos ao Zinhof pela especialíssima postagem.
1. Good Morning
2. Say Goodbye
3. Little Broken Hearts
4. She’s 22
5. Take It Back
6. After The Fall
7. 4 Broken Hearts
8. Travelin’ On
9. Out On The Road
10. Happy Pills
11. Miriam
12. All A Dream
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Agradecemos ao Zinhof pela especialíssima postagem.
terça-feira, 8 de maio de 2012
DEWOLFF 2012-04-21 Dotmund
No mês passado, os caras cresceram de verdade pra cima da platéia e se atiraram nos braços dos admiradores.
1. Voodoo Mademoiselle
2. Love In C-Minor
3. Pick Your Bones
4. Diamonds / Wasabi Wizard
5. Devil's Due
6. Yellow Rat Magic Blues
7. Vicious Times
8. Don't You Go Up The Sky
9. The Pistol
10. Gold And Seaweed
11. Encore Call
12. Evil And The Midnight Sun / The Thrills That Come Along With The Landing Of A Flying Saucer
Agradecemos ao ótimo The Clock That Went Backwards Again.
DEWOLFF 2011-04-17 Waalre
Durante os últimos anos as apresentações do DeWolff tem levado milhares de jovens à loucura e ao frenesi contagiante.
1. Anouncement
2. Intro
3. Evil And The Midnight Sun
4. Love In C Minor
5. Diamonds
6. Seashell Woman
7. Yellow Rat Magic Blues
8. Don't You Go Up The Sky
9. The Pistol
10. Gold And Seaweed
Agradecemos aos rapazes do DeWolff por divulgarem suas músicas.
DEWOLFF 2011-09-10 Tiel
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Agradecemos ao Liborio Friki por compartilhar espetáculos musicais.
Robin, Luka e Pablo são simples garotos que descobriram como fazer um som manero e original ao vivo.
1. Anouncement
2. Intro
3. Evil And The Midnight Sun
4. Love In C Minor
5. Diamonds
6. Seashell Woman
7. Yellow Rat Magic Blues
8. Don't You Go Up The Sky
9. The Pistol
10. Gold And Seaweed
11. Outro
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Agradecemos ao Liborio Friki por compartilhar espetáculos musicais.
DEWOLFF 2011-04-29 Amersfort
Mais recentemente, já objeto de desejo dos fãs, continuaram a mostrar de que são feitos os tamancos holandeses.
1. Intro
2. Evil And The Midnight Sun
3. Love In C Minor
4. Silver Lovemachine
5. Diamonds
6. Seashell Woman
7. Medicine
8. Birth Of The 9th Sun
9. Fever
10. Don't You Go Up The Sky
11. The Pistol
12. Gold And Seaweed
Agradecemos ao Zen Archer pela extraordinária postagem.
DEWOLFF 2010-02-17 Frankfurt
Os meninos do DeWolff ainda em seus primórdios tem o característico som dos anos 60 e psicodelismo ao vivo.
1. Intro
2. Gold & Seaweed
3. Fishing Night At Noon
4. Medicine
5. Don't You Go Up The Sky
6. Silver Lovemachine
7. Red Sparks Of The Morning Dusk
8. Birth Of The 9th Sun
9. Yellow Rat Magic Blues
10. The Thrills That Come Along With The Landing Of A Flying Saucer
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FZ 1983-10-26 Austin
O Mestre FZ detona com pavio curto o Armadillo World Headquarters no solo oleoso do Texas.
1. Cosmik Debris
2. Inca Roads
3. Pygmy Twylyte
4. Idiot Bastard Son
5. Cheepnis
6. Big Swifty
7. Dickie's Such An Asshole
8. Farther O'blivion
9. The Muddshark Dance Be-Bop
10. Son Of Mr. Green Genes/
King Kong/
Chunga's Revenge
Frank Zappa - guitar, vocals
Napoleon Murphy Brock - tenor saxophone, vocals
Tom Fowler - bass
George Duke - keyboards
Ruth Underwood - percussion
Bruce Fowler - trombone
Ralph Humphrey - drums
Chester Thompson - drums
Agradecemos ao Big O pela estupenda postagem original.
NORAH JONES 2012-04-20 Live In Paris
Essa garota parou Paris no mês passado pra divulgar sua mais recente criação musical, na Maison De La Radio.
Disc 1
1. Good Morning
2. Say Goodbye
3. Little Broken Hearts
4. She's 22
5. Take It Back
6. After The Fall
7. Four Broken Hearts
8. Travelin' On
9. Out On The Road
10. Happy Pills
11. Miriam
12. All A Dream
Disc 2
1. Nearness Of You
2. Don't Know Why
3. Waiting
4. Sunrise
5. Chasing Pirates
6. Bessie Smith (For Lev...)
7. Come Away With Me
8. Black
9. Stuck
10. Outro
Norah Jones - vocals, guitar, piano
Jason Roberts - guitar, backing vocals
Josh Lattanzi - bass, backing vocals
Pete Remm - keyboards, piano
Greg Wieczorek - drums, backing vocals
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Agradecemos ao NU Maison pela postagem original.
Disc 1
1. Good Morning
2. Say Goodbye
3. Little Broken Hearts
4. She's 22
5. Take It Back
6. After The Fall
7. Four Broken Hearts
8. Travelin' On
9. Out On The Road
10. Happy Pills
11. Miriam
12. All A Dream
Disc 2
1. Nearness Of You
2. Don't Know Why
3. Waiting
4. Sunrise
5. Chasing Pirates
6. Bessie Smith (For Lev...)
7. Come Away With Me
8. Black
9. Stuck
10. Outro
Norah Jones - vocals, guitar, piano
Jason Roberts - guitar, backing vocals
Josh Lattanzi - bass, backing vocals
Pete Remm - keyboards, piano
Greg Wieczorek - drums, backing vocals
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Agradecemos ao NU Maison pela postagem original.
JOHN LEE HOOKER with John Mayall & The Groundhogs
John Lee Hooker tocou sua gaita na Europa com Animals, Yardbirds, Bluesbreakers e Groundhogs sem perder o rebolado.
1. Lost Everything
2. I Love The Waterfront
3. I Don't Want Nobody Else
4. Storming On The Deep Blue Sea
5. Crazy Mixed Up World
6. Seven Days
7. Mai Lee
8. Losing You
9. Little Girl
10. Lay Down Little Dreamer
11. Don't Be Messing With My Bread
Agradecemos ao Xyros pela magnífica postagem original.
domingo, 1 de abril de 2012

Gabe Mitchell
Aaron Smith
Todd Osborne
Seth Graham
1. Long Withdrawing Roar - 10:24
2. Marie Part 1 - 9:28
3. Marie Part 2 - 8:25
4. Untitled 1 - 8:24
5. Untitled 2 - 4:08
Mastered by Rob Zajac and Aaron Smith
Recorded in Bowling Green, Ohio, 2009
Agradecemos ao Allergic To Fun por compartilhar com os amigos.
Romance Of Young Tigers
sábado, 31 de março de 2012
ROGER WATERS 2012-03-29 Rio De Janeiro

Agradecemos ao American Carioca, pela postagem subida no tubo.
quarta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2012
FZ 1974-09-08 Bologna, Italy

1. A Token Of My Extreme
2. Stinkfoot
3. Inca Roads
4. Approximate
5. Penguin In Bondage
6. T'Mershi Duween
7. Dpg Breath Variations
8. Cosmik Debris
Frank Zappa - Guitar & Vocals
Napoleon Murphy Brock - Saxophone & Vocals
George Duke - Synthesiser & Vocals
Ruth Underwood - Percussion
Tom Fowler - Bass
Chester Thompson - Drums
Agradecemos ao Isle Full Of Noises pela oportuna postagem.
terça-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2012
LED ZEPPELIN 1996 Golden Ballads

Compilação de sucessos melodiosos em ritmo romântico que alegram os nossos corações.
1. Stairway To Heaven
2. All My Love
3. Since I've Been Loving You
4. Babe I'm Gonna Leave You
5. Thank You
6. The Rain Song
7. Down By The Seaside
8. I Can't Quit You Babe
9. Tea For One
10. Bron-Yr-Aur
11. The Battle Of Evermore
12. What Is And What Should Never Be

1. Are You Ready - 3:28
2. Anybody's Answer - 5:17
3. Time Machine - 3:45
4. High On A Horse - 2:56
5. T.N.U.C. - 8:42
6. Into The Sun - 6:29
7. Heartbreaker - 6:35
8. Call Yourself A Man - 3:05
9. Can't Be Too Long - 6:34
10. Ups And Downs - 5:01
Mark Farner - Vocals, Guitar, Harmonica, Piano
Don Brewer - Vocals, Drums
Mel Schacher - Bass
Agradecemos ao bom gosto do Chandre e a maravilhosa postagem.
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