sábado, 29 de novembro de 2008

MARCO MINNEMANN 2003 Broken Orange

Quando quebraram a laranja mecânica um perfil substituiu a presença pela metafórica anti-materialidade da ausência.

Tirando da lata...

A senha é Fusion_Brasil a quem agradecemos pela postagem.

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  3. I truly believe that we have reached the point where technology has become one with our lives, and I think it is safe to say that we have passed the point of no return in our relationship with technology.

    I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Societal concerns aside... I just hope that as the price of memory decreases, the possibility of copying our memories onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's a fantasy that I dream about all the time.

    (Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=http://cryst4lxbands.livejournal.com/398.html]R4i SDHC[/url] DS SerVo)
