quinta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2010

AREA 2 1987 City Sound

Outro que agradeço se alguém der uma pista, é o segundo LP do Area 2, do jazz ao rock progressivo.

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2 comentários:

  1. This is the second incarnation of historic group from Italy, with only Giulio Capiozzo (R.I.P.)
    representing its legacy in this case. The other players are amongst the best Italian jazzmen,
    including Luca Pirozzi (I've studied electric bass with him for one year, nice guy and great player),
    Ramberto Ciammarughi (I've rarely seen someone playing piano, keyboards, drums and bass
    like him, a genius!) and Fabio Zeppetella (along with Rocco Zifarelli, Nico Stufano and Umberto Fiorentino
    representing the "cream" of Italian guitarists).
    So, in this CD you'll find less furious jazzrock and more fusion from mid-80's, well played and
    by the way with good choice of themes, like "City Sound" and "Miho", and a nice "standard"
    from Weather Report, "Can It Be Done". Giulio's drumming keeps everything together in a perfect way.

    Giulio Capiozzo (Drums)
    Fabio Forte (Trombone)
    Fabio Zeppetella (Guitar)
    Stefano Sastro (Keyboards)
    Ramberto Ciammarughi (Piano)
    Luca Pirozzi (El. Bass)
    Pat Heaven (Vocals)

  2. Grazie mille per tutta la informazione, any chance for a link to the Area 2 music?
