quarta-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2010

MATCHING MOLE 1972-05-15 Paris, France

O bichinho tanto fuçou que foi parar no palco do famoso Teatro Olympia, em plena capital francesa.

1. Starting In The Middle Of The Day We Can Drink Our Politics Away
2. Marchhides
3. Instant Pussy
4. Smoke Signals
5. Part Of The Dance

Robert Wyatt
Phil Miller
Bill MacCormick
Dave McRae

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Um comentário:

  1. Hi,

    I write in english because I don't know portuguese, I'm Italian, so I can read it and understand it, but cannot express anything correctly.

    The record you report here has a strange disassociation on the back cover; three of the four musician appear both in the photos and in the list, while McRae appear on the list and Sinclair appears on the photo; which is the correct player?

    -- Antonio
